University Senate - September 27, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order and Announcements
The University Senate was called to order at 3:30 p.m., via Zoom, on Monday, September 27, 2021. Members absent: Kenya Ash, Steve Bailey, Durrell Callier, Jennifer Fox, Rosemary Pennington.
1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of Senate Executive Committee, Jennifer Green.
Approval of University Senate Minutes
2. A motion was received, seconded, and carried to approve University Senate Minutes:
a) September 13, 2021 University Senate Minutes approved with verbal amendment requested regarding Proctorio discussion (Yes: 43, Abstain: 3)
b) August 30, 2021 University Senate Minutes were approved as amended.
Consent Calendar
3. The following items were accepted and received on the consent calendar:
a) 9.27.21 Curricular Items
b) APRC Minutes from 8.14.21
c) Graduate Council Minutes from 8.26.21
d) LEC Minutes from 8.31.21
Special Report
4. Moon Shot Presentation
a) Moon Shot for Equity is an initiative to close equity gaps in higher education by 2030
b) Two- and four-year institutions form a regional ecosystem to support 黑料社区s by removing barriers to completing college degrees.
c) Practices include updating academic policies, establishing common academic pathways and providing training to university leaders on equity-mindedness.
d) Three key phases:
i. Discover phase will gauge where each school is in each key area of practice, and then prioritize areas depending on urgency and readiness.
ii. Engage phase entails educating campus leaders on those priorities, forming leadership teams and organizing the plan moving forward.
iii. Execute phase will see all plans come to fruition.
Q: Where is the funding coming from to support this? A: Resources come from an existing relationship with institutional support and EAB.
Old Business
5. Old Business for Discussions
a) SR 22-01 College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science – TCPL Cap Increase.
i. Resolution put to the floor for discussion; no discussion. Resolution passed. (Yes:46, No:0, Abstain: 3)
SR 22-01
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science – TCPL Cap Increase
September 27, 2021
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves of the following changes to the Policy on Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPLs) as requested by the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science. Limitation on Number of Lecturers and Teaching Faculty
Limitation on Number of Lecturers and Teaching Faculty
TCPLs may not exceed the following percentages of continuing faculty (full-time TCPL and Tenure/Tenure Track) within each division:
• CAS: 20%
• CCA: 20 %
• EHS: 26%
• CEC: 20%
• FSB: 29%
• CLAAS: 23% 29%
b) SR 22-02 College of Arts and Science - TCPL Cap Increase
i. Resolution put to the floor for discussion; no discussion. Resolution passed. (Yes:40, No:1, Abstain:3)
SR 22-02
College of Arts and Science – TCPL Cap Increase
September 27, 2021
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate approves of the following changes to the Policy on Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPLs) as requested by the College of Arts and Science. Limitation on Number of Lecturers and Teaching Faculty
Limitation on Number of Lecturers and Teaching Faculty
TCPLs may not exceed the following percentages of continuing faculty (full-time TCPL and Tenure/Tenure Track) within each division:
• CAS: 20% 23%
• CCA: 20 %
• EHS: 26%
• CEC: 20%
• FSB: 29%
• CLAAS: 23%
c) SR 22-03 Proposed edit to University Promotion and Tenure Committee Composition
i. Resolution put to the floor for discussion. Discussion amongst Senators in regards to further amending the verbiage in the resolution to add the word ‘qualified’ so as to read ‘qualified designees’. Resolution was then put to the floor for a vote as edited. Resolution passed. (Yes:42, No:1, Abstain:4)
SR 22-03
Proposed Edit to UPT Composition
September 27, 2021
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopt revisions to the 黑料社区 Policy Library: MUPIM 2.4.C, University Promotion and Tenure committee, as set forth below:
The Committee consists of the Provost as chair, the deans (or their qualified designees) of the six (6) academic divisions, and six tenured members of the instructional staff (one (1) from each of the academic divisions) appointed by the Provost with the President’s approval. Members serve staggered three-year terms. The Provost will appoint a representative from the Office of the Provost to serve as secretary without vote.
d) Center for Teaching Excellence Subcommittee: Report and Recommendations on Proctorio.
i. Discussion continued around Proctorio, and the exigency to modify or rescind the current relationship, and opening and conducting an RFP. ASG again expressed concerns regarding remote proctoring in terms related to issues of equity, diversity, ethics, privacy, and accessibility, The subcommittee that has been investigating Miami’s use of Proctorio recommend immediate action so that a consensus is reached on an agreement with another entity by the time the contract expires in 2022. Senate plans to vote on a resolution at the October 11 meeting.
New Business
6. The following items of New business were discussed:
a) SR 22-05 Sports Leadership and Management, Master of Sports Analytics
i. Proposal from a Boldly Creative initiative; continued growth in sports fields recognized the need for diverse degree considerations in the field.
ii. Currently no colleges in Ohio offer graduate programs in sports analytics; nationally nine offer similar programs. Miami’s graduate program will target career opportunities that cover coaching, scouting, and performance analysis.
iii. Different options will allow for the class to be taken within different pathways to suit their needs – four plus one, 12 months, part time online
b) Proposed Policy Revision – Credit/No Credit Grade Revision
i. Proposal to change current system of ‘X’ and ‘Y’ to ‘CR’ or ‘NCR’
ii. This change will facilitate easier transfer to other universities that require a grade of ‘C’ or better and ‘B’ or better for graduate courses without having to actually list the grade.
7. Meeting was adjourned