
University Senate - March 7, 2022 Meeting

  1. Call to Order (3:30 p.m.)
    1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair, Senate Executive Committee, Jennifer Green
  1. Approval of University Senate Minutes
    1. February 21, 2022, meeting of 2021-2022 University Senate – full minutes

  1. Consent Calendar

    1. 03.07.2022 Curricular Items

    2. Liberal Education Meeting Minutes – 02.18.2022

    3. APRC Meeting Minutes – 9.14.2021
    4. APRC Meeting Minutes – 10.05.2021

    5. APRC Meeting Minutes – 10.19.2022
    6. Student Life Council Meeting Minutes – 10.27.2021

    7. Graduate Council Minutes – 01.27.2022
  2. New Business (Discussion 3/7 - Potential Vote 3/28)

    1. Proposed Graduate Education Policy Revisions – Mike Crowder, Associate Provost & Dean for Graduate Education

    2. Proposed Revision to Academic Program Review Process – Carolyn Haynes, Senior Associate Provost

    3. Auto-Adopt Policy Proposal -  Jennifer Green, Chair, Senate Executive Committe

    4. Farmer School of Business – TCPL Cap Increase, Associate Dean, Melissa Thomasson and Jonathan Grenier, Professor, Dept of Accountancy
  1. Old Business 

    1. No Items of Old Business

  2. Special Report

    1. Student Life Updates - Kimberly Moore, Associate VP and Dean of Students, Student Life

  3. Adjournment

 The next meeting of University Senate is scheduled for March 28, 2022, 3:30 p.m., via Zoom.