
University Senate - February 21, 2022 Meeting

  1. Call to Order (3:30 p.m.)
    1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair, Senate Executive Committee, Jennifer Green
  1. Approval of University Senate Minutes
    1. February 7, 2022, meeting of 2021-2022 University Senate – full minutes

  1. Consent Calendar

    1. 02.21.2022 Curricular Items

    2. Liberal Education Meeting Minutes – 01.28.2022

  2. Special Reports

    1. Myaamia Center Update – Daryl Baldwin, Director, Myaamia Center and Kara Strass, Director, Miami Tribe Relations

  1. Old Business 

    1. SR22-xx Clinical Engineering, Master of Science in Clinical Engineering 

      Discussion and Vote

    2. SR22-xx Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science 

      Discussion and Vote

    3. SR22-xx Attendance Policy

      Discussion and Vote 

  2. New Business
    1. Textbook Policy – Revisions


    2. Auto-Adopt Policy Proposal

      Discussion and Possible Vote on 3.7.2022

  3. Adjournment


The next meeting of University Senate is scheduled for March 7, 2022, 3:30 p.m., via Zoom.