
University Senate - April 25, 2022 Meeting

  1. Call to Order (3:30 p.m.)
    1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of Senate, James Bielo
  1. Approval of University Senate Minutes
    1. April 18, 2022, meeting of 2021-2022 University Senate – full minutes

  1. Consent Calendar

    1. Liberal Education Council meeting minutes - April 8, 2022

    2. Updates on COVID Support Recommendations for Faculty and Staff

    3. Graduate Fresh Start Policy Proposal 

    4. Master's Degree Time Limit Policy Revision

  2. Old Business 

    1. SR 22-xxCSE - Computer Science, Master of Computer Science - Jennifer Green, Chair, University Senate Executive Committee

    2. SR 22-xxProposal for Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lectures (TCPL) Promotion Increments - Sam Morris, Chair, Faculty Welfare Committee

    3. SR 22-xxRevisions to the Employment of Persons Holding a Miami Degree Policy - Tom Poetter, Chair-elect, University Senate Executive Committee

    4. SR 22-xxT/TT Annual Review of Dossier and Evaluation Guidelines - Jason Osborne, Provost & Chair

    5. SR 22-xxTCPL Annual Review of Dossier and Evaluation Guidelines 
    6. SR 22-xxRevision to Promotion and Tenure Policy_final revision 

  3. New Business 

    1. SR 22-xxSocial Media Policy – Jaime Hunt, Vice President and Chief Marketing & Communications Officer and Christian Ponce, Senior Director for Marketing & Communications

    2. SR 22-xx – Senate Committee Vacancies, Dana Cox, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

  4. Adjournment

  5. Reconvene and Approval of Abbreviated Minutes

  6. Adjournment

 Have a great summer!