
University Senate - November 5, 2018 Meeting

Call to Order and Announcements

The University Senate was called to order at 3:50 p.m., in Room 102, Benton Hall, Oxford Campus, on Monday, November 5, 2018. Members absent:  Burcin Bayram, Marianne Cotugno, Yildirim Dilek, Annika Fowler, Sande Garner, Chip Hahn, Vahagn Manukian, Benedict Njoku, Ashley Pool, Pete Salzarulo, Vince Smith, Caroline Weimer, Cheryl Young, Andy Zeisler, and Madeline Zinkl.

  1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of University Senate, Phyllis Callahan
    1. There were no announcements.

Approval of University Senate Minutes

  1. The minutes for the October 22, 2018, Senate meeting were not approved as written. Suggestions have been made for revisions, and the amended minutes will be on the agenda on November 19, 2018. motion was received, seconded, and carried to approve the October 23, 2017, minutes of University Senate.

Consent Calendar

  1. The following items were received on the Consent Calendar without debate: 
    1. Curriculum dated October 31, 2018


Special Report

  1. Budget Presentation – Phyllis Callahan, Provost and David Creamer, Sr. Vice President for Finance and Business Services
    1. The presentation cannot be presented on this site due to remediation; however, is available upon request.  Please e-mail sanderra@MiamiOH.edu or your Senator for a full set of minutes.


  1. A motion was received, seconded, and carried to adjourn the Regular Session of University Senate.

Next scheduled meeting of University Senate:

December 3, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

Room 111 Harrison Hall, Oxford Campus