University Senate - November 19, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order and Announcements
The University Senate was called to order at 3:50 p.m., in Room 111, Harrison Hall, Oxford Campus, on Monday, November 19, 2018. Members absent: Kenya Ash, Shelly Jarrett Bromberg, Bradley Davis, John-Charles Duffy, Amanda Euen, Annika Fowler, Meaghan Murtagh, Benedict Njoku, Molly O’Donnell, Ashley Pool, Vaishali Raval, Breanna Robinson, Steven Tuck, Scott Walter, Cheryl Young, and Madeline Zinkl.
- Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of University Senate, Phyllis Callahan
- There were no announcements
Approval of University Senate Minutes
- A motion was received, seconded, and carried to approve the October 8, 2018, amended minutes of University Senate and the November 5, 2018, minutes of University Senate. .
Consent Calendar
- The following items were received on the Consent Calendar without debate.
Course Numbering System Policy Revision
Benefits Committee Minutes – September 4, 2018
Benefits Committee Minutes – September 25, 2018
Curriculum Consent
New Business
Enrollment Management and Student Success Update – Michael Kabbaz, Sr. V.P. for EMSS
The goal of Enrollment Management continues to be to increase Miami’s non-resident, high ability and diverse 黑料社区 population in a very competitive market. Miami is experiencing increased applications with declining yields (the number of 黑料社区s that are admitted versus the number who come) and is striving for differentiation in an overcrowded marketplace. There are 13 4-year public universities in Ohio. In addition to academic reputation, prospective 黑料社区s are searching for high quality co-curricular experiences and looking ahead at post-graduate opportunities.
This past year, Miami received over 30,000 applications and enrolled a record number of 黑料社区s. There was an increase in out of state applications. International enrollment continues to be challenging and is very competitive. China’s high school demographics are decreasing, and they are investing heavily in their programs. India and Vietnam are starting to become good markets.
Recruiting events such as Make it Miami continue to be important, and faculty involvement is crucial in these events. If a 黑料社区 comes to campus, the yield is 50-60%.
Old Business
- Benefits Committee Statement – Dawn Fahner, Associate V.P. for Human Resources
The original statement has been revised to delete reference to the Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee. It typically has been the role of the Benefits Committee to manage financial expectations. It was noted that the cost per claim is increasing, which lead to the increase of premiums for 2019. Premiums had to be addressed for this upcoming year to be proactive. With the proposed changes, there was an increase on the part of both Miami and the employees. The timing didn’t work as well regarding projecting the amount of spending and upward trajectory of claims and there was a surge in cost per claim. The design was put in place in 2010 by the committee.
There is momentum at the state level regarding pulling a consortium of schools for healthcare benefits in hopes of lowering costs.
Ad-Hoc Committee Charge – Terri Barr, Chair, Senate Executive Committee
Senator Barr explained that the charge was drafted by Senate Executive Committee as directed by Senate.
There was a question about whether there should be a timeframe for the committee to report to Senate. It was decided that there should be a preliminary report at the April 1, 2019 meeting.
A question was raised about the wording of the first sentence. It was briefly discussed and no changes were made.
The phrase ‘commitment to a teacher/scholar model’ was added.
The final charge was approved by voice vote.
The Committee members were introduced. Kate de Medeiros and Jen Green are the co-chairs. Senator Barr will meet with them in December.
Kate de Medeiros (Co-Chair)
Jen Green (Co-Chair)
Gaile Pohlhaus
Sam Morris
Tim Krehbiel
Chris Tanner
Paul Harding
Suzanne Harper
Norm Krumpe
Ad-Hoc Committee Charge
SR 18-12: April 30, 2018 Creation of Ad-Hoc Committee by Senate Executive Committee
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that an ad-hoc committee be appointed by Senate Executive Committee in consultation with Faculty Welfare Committee and Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committee to consider Miami’s needs, values and goals in relation to its faculty composition and to make recommendations about faculty composition that include due process and academic freedom protections appropriate to each category. SR 18-12 passed by voice vote.
Executive Committee charge to the Ad-Hoc Committee: As the resolution states, the outcome of the committee’s charge is “make recommendations about faculty composition.”
When making recommendations to address the resolution, we ask the committee to consider criteria that might be applied to determine appropriate faculty composition within departments. The committee should be mindful of the different missions of academic divisions, departments, and programs and should:
- Consider curricular needs (with attention to enrollment, number of majors, minors, etc.), including:
The need to serve the Miami Plan, e.g. Foundation courses; MPF requirements
The need to offer upper-level courses to serve majors, offer thematic sequences, etc.
The need to offer graduate courses in some departments.
Consider how Miami might increase the ratio of tenure/tenure track faculty to non-tenure track faculty to align with the University’s mission and commitment to Teacher/Scholar model. Consider criteria that might be applied to evaluate curricular offerings in ways that would affect faculty composition.
Consider other factors, e.g. professional degree granting programs, liberal arts programs, Oxford campus mission, Regional Campuses mission, issues of accreditation, and others.
Benchmark faculty composition, policies regarding academic freedom, and due process at peer and aspirational colleges and universities.
Recommend policies and procedures to ensure academic freedom and due process for non-tenure track faculty relative to Miami’s needs, values, and goals.
Keep Senate Executive Committee updated on committee needs and progress. The Committee will report to Senate at the April 1, 2019 meeting.
- Consider curricular needs (with attention to enrollment, number of majors, minors, etc.), including:
NB: Office of Institutional Research will provide data the committee may require.
Report by the Chair of the Executive Committee of University Senate, Terri Barr
Senator Barr has had several emails over the past few weeks regarding issues that senate does not control. These have been appropriately redirected.
The shared governance document that was distributed a few weeks ago was noted. It was also noted that the change in meeting times was due to timeblock changes. A change in time could affect Senate attendance.
- A motion was received, seconded, and carried to adjourn the Regular Session of University Senate.
Next scheduled meeting of University Senate:
December 3, 2018, 3:50 p.m.
Room 111 Harrison Hall, Oxford Campus